Trader Joe's Watermelon Facial Mist

Have you ever eaten something so delicious that it made you say, "oh my goodness that was so delicious. I just want to smother my whole face in it!!" Uhhh...I've never personally said that. (Although I have heard people say that about babies and other very cute small children. But usually the smothering is not self-directed but toward the baby - affection and cheek grabbing and that kind of thing. :P) 

Functionally speaking, this product reminds me a lot of another popular TJ's product, the rose water facial toner. But it's not a toner - it's a mist! What are mists for? Refreshing and hydrating your face! 

The pink packaging probably influenced the purchase of this product. Scratch that - the pink packaging definitely influenced the purchase of this product.

I never had the attention span or patience to study skincare ingredients or what they do. What are the benefits of watermelon extracts exactly? I don't know. What does spraying jojoba oil on my face do? Beats me. All I know is that ingredients are listed from most used to least used. For everyone else - there's a youtube skincare guru for that. :P

1) Like food, skincare is very subjective. But perhaps there is a smaller margin of error due to varying skin types and skincare needs. I am normal to dry and pretty minimalist. I tend to not like fragrance in skincare - so strike one against this product. But it's not a terrible scent. It does smell of a candied watermelon but still sorta fresh with almost a hint of citrus. 

2) The solution inside is a bit cloudy, which to me means you have to shake it a little if it separates. The spray mechanism is very average. It's not particularly fine, so I'm not sure that the actual product is absorbed into my skin. 

3) I suspect there's alcohol in this product (phenoxyethanol anyone?), so it dries pretty fast. Also, if I spray this directly on my face, I find it a bit irritating but it's okay if I spray it after my skincare routine. (But does it penetrate the skin surface after I've applied toner and moisturizer though? Idk y'all.)

4) Does it actually make your skin look more glowy? I think so? I have been using it most days, mostly to finish it, but I don't know that I can attribute the added "glow" to this product. I it that I sleep more or drink more water or because I've been taking more vitamins because my dear mother is still harping on me, a grown woman but still a child lol, to take a slew of vitamin supplements? I don't know y'all. 

5) Does it feel refreshing on the face? Most days, yes. I do like this product better than the rose toner though because I *think* it does actually do something. 

6) Sadly, I think this was a seasonal offering. At $3.99, it was a "I have nothing to lose" type trial. Worth a try if you like trying skincare and spraying things on your face I suppose. 

TL;DR: Trader Joe's Watermelon Facial Mist. Spraying watermelon scented water and some other extract-type things to contribute to more glowiness and a look of vitality maybe! 7 out of 10. Mantou Joe repurchase? Maybe! 


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