Trader Joe's French Roast Coffee Cups

Disclaimer #1: Before you read this post, watch this.  I just got back recently from a trip to San Francisco where environmentalism is very much embedded in everyday living. I even spotted a billboard downtown condemning the use of K-cups (something about there's barely enough land for your deceased grandmother much less k-cups). 

Anyhoo, I don't have much to say about this, other than the fact that I ironically purchased this on Earth Day. Most people celebrate Earth Day by recycling or planting a tree. I bought K-cups. It was for work. *shrug*

Disclaimer #2: Apparently these particular K-cups are recyclable. I haven't tried it because my workplace recycling is not exactly up to SF standards. *shrug* 

$4.99 for 12 cups! That's $0.41 per cup! Better coffee and cheaper than the coffee cart downstairs. Have to justify my purchase somehow. :P 

Unlike most k-cups, these are transparent so you can actually visualize the coffee grounds before you brew them. Although it says dark roast, it tastes more like a medium-dark roast to me. Very similar to the French Vanilla (minus the vanilla obviously), decently smooth, and overall gets the job done. Drinkable black.  One of the attending MDs took my last one because it was so good. All you doctors out there, be nice to your nurses, especially if they caffeinate you. 

TL;DR: Trader Joe's French Roast Coffee Cups. Standard good coffee. PSA: If you buy this, please recycle. 7 out of 10. 
