Trader Joe's Spicy Chicken Sausage

I got duped. Again. 

A Korean inspired Kalbi BBQ recipe

Could not be further from the truth. And you know I'm all about the truth. I picked up this chicken sausage following my post on the meatless pizza. Yes, in my world sausage counts as meat. Furthermore, that word KOREAN caught my eye. Yet again. I gravitate towards Trader Joe Korean, or should I say Korean-esque, products for some reason. Must be all the Koreans I hung around in college (HI RCF). It's like little kids that go for burning stoves or electric sockets --they really shouldn't, but they do, and when they do they get burned. Perhaps I'm being dramatic, but I have yet to be impressed by Trader Joe's (Trader Jo? Trader Cho? Maybe corporate TJ's will see this one day and make that name happen) Korean food. AND STILL, I must try all the Trader Joe's Korean food! If TJ's were to make kimchi, I would try that!

Oh wait. Been there done that. 

No pictures of the actual cooked sausage. I've had TJ's chicken sausage before, but I don't remember it being so crumbly especially once it comes out of the casing. And I don't remember chewing through sausage casing to be so arduous. The sausage itself was certainly spicy but tasted like it had been doused with soy sauce. Other than that, not much going on with the flavor profile. I expected a little more sour/sweetness. Kalbi influence? Ehhhhhhh not really. Other than black sesame seed-looking things and green onions, I really couldn't identify the other mystery ingredients. I had only one of the sausages alone and sautéed the rest with onions and arugula to offset the salt. Much more palatable that way. 

$3.99 for four sausages? Not again. 

TL;DR: Trader Joe's Spicy Chicken Sausage. Soy sauce and SPICE. I see Korean ahjummas shaking their heads. 4.5 out of 10. 
