Trader Joe's Cara Cara Navel Oranges

I got super excited when I saw this bag of oranges with a Trader Joe's label - because it made these babies eligible for my blog! Around this time last year, I had been at my current job not too long but I was already raving about my happy place (Trader Joe's in case y'all were wondering :P) to anyone who would listen. A coworker came back raving about these "pink oranges." We were all befuddled. Pink oranges? Don't you mean grapefruit? He insisted no but couldn't remember the name. I went to the store in search of them only to be told that they were long out of stock. Instead, I found these peculiarly shaped minneolas, which turned out to be just as delicious and popular. Lo and behold, a few weeks ago I found these! 

"I'm an ORANGE, but I'm PINK!" 

(I know, my pictures are not as pretty. Work in progress y'all.) 

Except the first time around, I had the ones in the not-Trader-Joe's-bag and was not impressed. It was probably not so much the packaging (appearances can be DECEIVING!) as it was probably an immature crop or something. The last two bags I've had have been DELICIOUS. 

My first thoughts upon slicing through the flesh - "I'VE BEEN GYPPED. THIS ISN'T PINK." Pink is my favorite color. Practically everything I own is pink. Salmon pink is stretching it y'all. This ain't salmon pink. It's more like salmon sashimi ORANGE. Orange happens to be my least favorite color, so where an orange-pink loses all its pink, I shun it completely. But for consolation's sake, I suppose it depends on the lighting and whatnot, because actually if you compare the Cara Cara to a regular orange citrus, it looks pink. FINE. Yes, I would rate this product even higher if it were actually pink. :P 

In any event, it's what's on the inside that counts! I had trouble putting my finger on it, but the article explains it well. These are definitely sweeter than regular oranges (unless you plucked it right off the orange tree, okay?), a tad tart, and SO incredibly juicy! Let me say that again in case you missed it, they are SO SO JUICY! While they aren't the cheapest oranges around, they're about $1.33/lb, which isn't so bad ($3.99 for a 3 lb. bag) considering the product. I have yet to see these oranges at other supermarkets. So get on it before they run out! 

TL;DR: Trader Joe's Cara Cara Navel Oranges. Juicy, sweet, and pink! Kind of. 9 out of 10. 
