Trader Joe's Giant Peruvian Inca Corn

I'm always so pleasantly surprised by the cultural competence Trader Joe's demonstrates. I went to a school, where "cultural competence" was and still is a trendy buzz word that you insert into every essay to automatically earn you extra points. And I had no idea, Inca corn was a thing. Thank you Trader Joe for promoting diversity. 

Salty. Crunchy. Those two words get me every single time. I can't help it. 

The product labeling is somewhat accurate. These salted corn things are massive! I mean it's bigger than my thumbnail! They should come with a safety warning label! Definitely a choking hazard. And braces? Forget about it. 

Just sad that the taste does not match it's hugeness. Can you imagine if Beyonce could sing but did not have the dance moves to match? Yeah. She would be the female pop singer equivalent of these snacks. Bold and beautiful but underwhelming in delivery. They are definitely CRUNCHY, almost too crunchy actually. It's pretty satisfying if you enjoy conquering your food like I do, but otherwise it's kind of arduous work. But most disappointing is definitely the taste. They're like Fritos. Fritos are the last picked snack in the 50 chip-bag Costco variety box for a reason! Really not much else going on. I sprinkled on some paprika below, which definitely helped. Would I buy this again? Hmm..maybe if I ever had to go on a pureed, mechanical soft diet for whatever reason, I would eat this as soon as I could go back to a regular diet to compensate for the crunch I had been missing in my life. 

TL;DR: Trader Joe's Giant Peruvian Inca Corn. Corn nuts on steroids y'all. 5.5 out of 10. 
