Trader Joe's Midsummer Night's Hand & Body Cream with Moroccan Argan Oil

At some point during the last half decade of trying Trader Joe's things, I stopped expecting TJ's to keep coming out with miracle products. It's just impossible to keep churning out genius, life-changing things that tick all the boxes for most people. Sometimes, you just need to feed yourself something that is decently good, and it doesn't have to be anything crazy amazing. And that was pretty much my expectation for this lotion, like a year ago. What miracle product was going to save my hands from certain dryness from constant handwashing? Practically nothing but y' can try. 

I recall purchasing this right around the start of lockdown last year. Sad that they haven't had some of the body butters that I've enjoyed, but the timing of a lotion with a more hygienic pump was probably for the best. I have enjoyed a lot of TJ lotions in the past - they generally feel more luxe than a typical drugstore product but at the drugstore price point. I love the intersection of price, quality, and quantity y'all. 

1) This product has more of a minimal aesthetic than some of the other beauty items. I suppose the product name is supposed to tickle the side of the decently-educated population, who may still carry fond memories of Shakespeare. 

2) I've watched some skincare YouTube people - still don't have the time or energy to educate myself on what ingredients do, but argan oil and vitamin E are good things. 

3) This lotion has a similar texture to Aveeno, except it definitely has a greasier feel. It does absorb eventually and when used consistently it has definitely done the moisturizing job. It's not a miracle product for me during super dry winter months but it also has been way better than nothing. My skin has not been as dry this winter - could it be this miracle lotion? :P 

4) It is fragrance free, but it does have a really mild "fragrance-free" scent. 

5) I wasn't particularly blown away by the first impression, but now that I've used it consistently for months now I do quite like it. I wouldn't say it's a dream, though perhaps it could pass for a good night's sleep. I'll take a good night's sleep. 

6) $3.99 for a 16oz bottle is a pretty good price. It's definitely repurchaseable. 

TL;DR: Trader Joe's Midsummer Night's Hand & Body Cream with Moroccan Argan Oil. Even if it's not a dream cream, I'm alright with a solid night of uninterrupted sleep. 7.5 out of 10. Mantou Joe repurchase? Sure. 
