Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Edamame

Be warned. This is like crack y'all. 

This was gifted from a friend, and it's been sitting in my TJ's cupboard (yes, I have a cupboard solely devoted to TJ items. Don't you?) waiting for a rainy day. Or in my case, a dearth of other snacks in the house since there's still two more weeks until Easter. I set some seriously low expectations for this product because when I'm eating edamame at a Japanese restaurant or something, the last thing I think would pair well with it would be dark chocolate. Boy, did my man Trader Joe ever prove me wrong! 

7 grams protein! Are they forreal?? Bet your chocolate can't do that! This is one of those deceptively healthy junky foods. What an oxymoron. edamame? A natural source of soy protein! dark chocolate? Antioxidants! It's "good for you!" I'ma eat 'em alllllllll.

Seriously, this stuff is dangerously addicting. I'm really more of a salty crunchy type person, and if I do crave sweets it only takes a little bit to satisfy my sweet tooth. Like that ice cream- it sits in my freezer and I only have a few tbsps a month because that's all it takes. BUT THIS STUFF, WELP. It takes extra restraint not to eat the whole thing! Because they're deceptively harmless! Unlike a piece of cheesecake, you can eat handfuls of this stuff without really thinking about it. When I normally eat dark chocolate, I like it to melt in my mouth as I savor the flavors. But this? Can't do it!  The center is a dry-roasted edamame that demands to be crunched. If you're not a fan of edamame, don't worry - the edamame itself doesn't have a distinctive flavor against the dark chocolate casing. If you like dark chocolate, this is the thing! It's crunchy! It's dark chocolate! Help me! 

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Edamame bean?None of the ones I've had so far have lasted that long for me to find out. 

TL;DR: Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Edamame. I had to hide them somewhere so I would stop eating them. "Healthy" crunchy dark chocolate. >:D 8 out of 10. 
