Trader Joe's Organic Maple Agave Syrup Blend

A couple weeks ago, I was on the market for maple syrup to use for an apple crisp. Except it turns out quality grade A maple syrup is not that cheap. We don't consume massive quantities of pancakes around here, so I didn't feel like buying a jug of maple syrup would be worth it. On that note, Canadian friends, you are always welcome to bring maple syrup when you come to visit! :D

Also not the cheapest, but not bad either for $3.49 for "organic" and "agave." 

Only five servings! :O

Oops. it says refrigerate after opening, which I haven't been doing. I'm still alive. Just three ingredients: organic cane sugar, organic maple syrup, and organic agave syrup. Agave is one of those trendy "natural" sweeteners that people are reaching for these days over table sugar. It's actually more concentrated that regular sugar, which means you're not saving on calories unless you use less. And apparently, agave doesn't have much health benefits anyway, which means agave is pretty much the trendy, "natural" version of high fructose corn syrup. Joke's on us, folks. 

Anyhoo, I went for this because of the word MAPLE. This syrup is between a honey and a maple syrup, which I found quite tasty. The maple syrup was barely detectable in the apple crisp I made, but it did add a depth of flavor that you normally don't get from just sugar. It's not very viscous at all, which means you have to be careful as to not use too much. I used this in plain greek yogurt too for breakfasts and snacks. And a chocolate chia seed pudding that failed.  Repurchase is likely though for next time we have people over for brunch. 

TL;DR: Trader Joe's Organic Maple Agave Syrup Blend. Organic half maple half "natural" sweeter of choice. 7.5 out of 10. 


  1. Great Blog! If you love natural sweeteners, check out Organic Agave Products from Nectave. Their premium agave syrup is a healthy, low-glycemic alternative to sugar—perfect for drinks, baking, and more. Visit


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